In loss time and property,that iswhy I don't spend like I used to at your establishment the sugar house and Harris Chester have the bulk of my business have a nice day.!!! Ever last 4 years I've generated over 2.5 million dollars I've had my losses over 400,000 or better but ,your comps are insultinga lot of the games I like you have to call tech out over and over again to fix the card readers that you will use as gauges of how much we spend I shouldn't have to pay attention in my card getting kicked out.and having to constantly reset it it takes away from my gaming nstantly being told someone's playing a game and you have to wait an hour to get on it when there's no one there security you shouldn't have to go find them they should be able to find you and I've had my vehicle broken into three separate times there I had over 600 dollars worth of damage to my vehicle the lost of my belongings I was parked in Elite parking,your John Martinelli said he would take care of it can I find out a week later he no longer works for you I've lost 3 days of work going to do wheels town watch a prosecution of this person it broke into our cars yet you have nothing on film put your security said.